
Summer of sport: Golf and its Benefits

Playing golf regularly can be a great way to burn calories. So much so that a study has found regular golfers can live longer than those who don’t golf regularly.

Most courses are around 6,000 yards long and it takes between three and four hours to play 18 holes, which involves walking about five miles. Studies have found golfers who walk and carry their own bag burn an average of 721 calories, while those using a pull cart burn 718, those walking with a caddie burn 613, and those riding in a golf cart burn 411.

As well as its health benefits, golf is a fun sport to play with friends as you can talk while you play, and playing a round of golf is a pleasant way to pass a sunny afternoon.

Everyone Golf

Everyone Golf is our specialised golfing offshoot that runs all 10 of our courses up and down the country. Here you’ll find everything you need to know about each of our golfing facilities – from rolling rural courses to more compact urban venues. With outstanding facilities, challenging yet accessible fairways and greens, golf shops for all your equipment needs and golf pros on hand to help out with your technique, Everyone Golf has everything you need to enrich your golfing experience.

Everyone Golf is one of the largest golf operators in the country, with 10 courses currently being run, from smaller urban courses to rolling countryside courses. These are spread all over the country and feature the very latest in technology to help you improve your game. Each course has its own unique approach to the game, but Everyone Golf’s mission is to get as many people playing this wonderful sport as possible, regardless of age, experience or skill level. Every course has coaching sessions available to help improve your game.

The benefits of Golf

No matter your age or fitness level, golf is a game that welcomes everyone – let’s dive into why adding it to your lifestyle can be a hole-in-one for your physical and mental health.

A Stroll to Remember

Firstly, let’s talk walking. Did you know that during an 18-hole round of golf, you could be walking up to four miles? You may not even notice how much ground you cover as you’re focused on your next shot. This gentle, low-impact cardiovascular exercise is perfect for increasing your heart rate and improving heart health. It adds up, too. Walking the course regularly can help stave off heart disease and keep those calories burning, all while you’re enjoying the great outdoors.

Swing into Strength

Now let’s get into the swing of things. Literally. Every time you swing that club, you’re engaging a symphony of muscles – from your core for stability, your arms and shoulders for power, to your legs for that solid base. It’s like having a full-body workout with a side of fresh air. Plus, golf can enhance flexibility and balance as you twist and turn, aiming for that perfect shot.

Mental Gymnastics of Golf

Golf isn’t just a physical game; it’s a mental one, too. Strategy and concentration are key, exercising the brain alongside the body. Calculating distances, envisioning trajectories, and making tactical decisions keep your mind active and sharp. It’s like taking your brain to a gym where mental agility is the main workout.

Stress Reduction on the Greens

Ever felt a sense of calm wash over you as you looked out over a beautiful, lush golf course? That’s not just your admiration for landscape architecture talking. Inherently peaceful environments, combined with the moderate exercise of golf, can significantly lower stress levels and boost your mood. Plus, vitamin D from the sunshine is a natural mood lifter (just remember your sunscreen to keep it safe and fun).

Social Swing

Golf is inherently social, and making connections is part of its charm. Whether you’re high-fiving after that impressive birdie or laughing off an errant shot into a sand bunker, you’re building relationships and support networks. Friendships forged on the green go a long way in enhancing your mental well-being.

Longevity in the Links

Last, but not least, golf can be a friend to your longevity. A study suggests that golfers may live longer than those who don’t play. Imagine that—more time to enjoy life’s pleasures, thanks, in part, to spending time on the greens. It’s a win-win!

Getting Started

Excited to harness these amazing benefits? You don’t need to be the next Tiger Woods or Jon Rahm to start. This game can be enjoyed at any skill level. Start by visiting your local Everyone Golf driving range to get a feel for swinging a club. Consider taking a lesson or two; all Everyone Golf centres have pros who love introducing newbies to the game.

Ready to venture out on the course? No rush — start with a few holes and work your way up as your confidence grows. Remember, it’s not about the perfect shot but enjoying the journey from tee to green.

Golfing gives you more than just an enjoyable pastime. It’s about nurturing your body, invigorating your mind, and expanding your social world, all while basking in nature’s beauty. So go ahead and tee off to a healthier, happier you. We’re rooting for you every step of the way—because in the game of life and golf, the best shot you’ve got is the one you’re about to make. Happy golfing!