
5 Ways to Improve your Mental Wellbeing

How frequently do you really stop and take the time to consider your own mental wellbeing? Even now, when society is more open, many people still feel as if a stigma is attached to the concept of talking about and taking care of your mental wellbeing. It is something that is too frequently neglected as part of our own self-care routines, but it is just as important to a healthy lifestyle as a healthy diet and physical activity.

Every year, a quarter of us will experience a mental health issue and depression is the biggest cause of disabilities and health issues all over the world. That’s the equivalent of approximately 15 million people in the UK and 250,000 Everyone Active Members and Colleagues. Your mental wellbeing isn’t something that just affects you, either, it’s something that affects your whole family, your friends and your colleagues.

When times are tricky, these problems can seem even greater, too. that means it’s even more important to keep an eye out for your own mental health. Those people with whom you work – whether you work with them in person, see them around in the office or only ever on a video call.

How Getting Active will Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

Staying active has been proven to help reduce your chances of suffering from depression and anxiety. You can workout at home, exercise outside (such as in the park or in the street), or at your local Everyone Active leisure centre. By staying active, you’re also reducing your chances of contracting age-related cognitive issues such as Alzheimers and dementia. Regular activity will also help reduce your chances of contracting other conditions such as Type 2 diabetes.

Here are a few ideas of how to get more active:

• Rather than take the lift, why not take the stairs?
• Take a lunchtime stroll
• Start cycling more frequently
• Do a digital group fitness class at home using the Everyone Active
• Work out at home
• Go for a run around the block

How to Look After Your Mental Health if You’re Working from Home

Working from home has become increasingly common and some have been struggling slightly with the social isolation that comes with that. It can have a negative impact on your mental wellbeing. The simple reason for this is that you’re not going outside as often. This means you’re not inhaling as much oxygen. This can have a negative effect on your mental wellbeing.

One way to help improve your oxygen levels is to have a pot plant in the room where you work. Through photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. This can help keep you energised, alert and above all, happy.

Taking a quick stroll during your lunch break is also a good idea. Not only will you get a bit more oxygen into your lungs, but a bit more physical activity is never a bad thing! If you can, keeping a window open while you work is also a good idea as it will help refresh the air in your office and help keep you focused.

How Connecting with People Helps Your Wellbeing

Evidence suggests that feeling close to and valued by other people is a fundamental human need and one that contributes to good mental wellbeing.

With this in mind, try to do something different and make a connection:

• Talk to someone – either face-to-face or over the phone – instead of sending an email
• Speak to someone new
• Put five minutes aside to find out how someone really is

Take notice

Studies have shown that being aware of what is taking place in the present directly enhances your wellbeing and that savouring ‘the moment’ can help to reaffirm your life priorities.

Take some time to enjoy the moment and the environment around you. Here are a few ideas:

• Get a plant for your workspace
• Have a ‘clear the clutter’ day
• Learn More About wellbeing Issues

Continued learning through life enhances self-esteem and encourages social interaction and a more active life. The practice of setting goals, which is related to adult learning in particular, has been strongly associated with higher levels of wellbeing.

Why not learn something new?

• Sign up for a fitness class you have never done before such as Yoga or Zumba
• Read the news or a book
• Research something you’ve always wondered about
• Learn a new word

Be Kind

Individuals who report a greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as happy. Research into actions for promoting happiness has also shown that doing just one act of kindness a week over a six-week period is associated with upping your wellbeing.