
Gymnastics Classes with Everyone Active

The delivery of our gymnastics classes starts at two years old through our Fundamental sessions and go all the way through to Advance and Squad levels. Our fully-qualified British Gymnastics instructors will lead your child through each development stage, completing the progressive development of core skills. These include balance, strength, flexibility and co-ordination. It also incorporates compulsory pulse raising activities.

Kids aged 11 and up take on the Advanced Proficiency Gymnastics Award scheme. This assists in the development of core fitness (strength, power, flexibility and co-ordination), as well as gymnastics skills for the coaching of more advanced techniques for use in clubs, schools and leisure centres. The scheme offers a range of activities including fitness, floor, vault and rebound, apparatus, pairs and groups, hand-held apparatus, as well as dance and aerobics.

The levels below details the different skills within each level.


(Ages 2-4)

Fundamentals is a programme of gymnastics classes designed and developed by British Gymnastics in conjunction with early years specialists to help younger children acquire essential physical, social and emotional life skills. The programme has been developed with six early learning goals in mind. These are: social, physical, linguistic, intellectual, creative and educational. All of the activities can be practised safely under the guidance of the Fundamentals Award Scheme Coach or Teacher.

Pre-School Gymnastics

(Ages 3-5)

The Pre-School Gymnastics Award Scheme developed for children aged three years and up that focuses on the development of physical literacy and movement skills. Children learn the three fundamental building blocks of movement – action, balance and co-ordination, with a range of 40 different activities to choose from.

The scheme introduces children to physical activity in a fun yet structured environment so they can safely learn and experiment action, balance and coordination activities. Badges can be purchased to reward successful completion.

Core Proficiency Award Level 8

(Ages 5-16)

Level 8 of The Core Proficiency Gymnastics Award scheme follows on from Pre-School and is for children aged five and up. The scheme helps to develop core skills such as balance, strength, flexibility and co-ordination and incorporates compulsory pulse raising activities.

Core Proficiency Award Level 7

(Ages 5-16)

This level is for children who have completed Level 8 of the Core Proficiency Gymnastics Award. Gymnasts will be able perform the following as a minimum: explore patterns and shapes, transfer weight from one foot to the other and walk forwards along a bench

Core Proficiency Award Level 6

(Ages 5-16)

For gymnasts who have completed Level 8 and 7 of the Core Proficiency Gymnastics Award scheme. Gymnasts will be able to perform the following as a minimum: walk forwards along a bench and perform a full turn in the middle, rock backwards and forwards in pike and straddle.

Core Proficiency Award Level 5

(Ages 5-16)

For gymnasts who have completed Level 8-6 of the Core Proficiency Gymnastics Award scheme. Gymnasts will be able to perform the following as a minimum: walk backwards along a bench and perform a full turn in the middle, piked v-sit with hand support and travelling bunny jumps.

Core Proficiency Award Level 4

(Ages 5-16)

For gymnasts who have completed Level 8-5 of the Core Proficiency Gymnastics Award scheme. Gymnasts will be able to perform the following as a minimum: Japana to 450, tucked forward roll and T balance.

Core Proficiency Award Level 3

(Ages 5-16)

For gymnasts who have completed Level 8-4 of the Core Proficiency Gymnastics Award scheme. Gymnasts will be able to perform the following as a minimum: tucked backwards roll, frog balance and chassis steps

Core Proficiency Award Level 2

(Ages 5-16)

For gymnasts who have completed up to Level 3 of the Core Proficiency Gymnastics Award scheme. After completing these gymnastics classes, your child will be able to perform the following as a minimum: Japana flat, headstand with bent knees and a cartwheel.

Core Proficiency Award Level 1

(Ages 5-16)

For gymnasts who have completed Level 8-2 of the Core Proficiency Gymnastics Award scheme. Gymnasts will be able to perform the following as a minimum: bridge, cartwheel, quarter turn off a bench and backward roll.

Advanced Proficiency Award Bronze

(Ages 11-16)

The Advanced Proficiency Gymnastics Award scheme is for children aged 11 plus that have completed the Core Proficiency awards. These gymnastics classes assist in the development of core fitness – strength, power, flexibility, co-ordination – and gymnastics skills for the coaching of more advanced skills for use in clubs, schools and leisure centres. The Bronze award offers a range of activities including a minimum of one fitness element and six apparatus elements including floor, vault and rebound, apparatus, pairs and groups, hand-held apparatus, as well as dance and aerobics.

Advanced Proficiency Award Silver

(Ages 11-16)

For gymnasts who have completed their Advanced Proficiency Bronze Award. The Silver Award continues the development of one core fitness element and further development on the 6 apparatus elements including fitness, floor, vault and rebound, apparatus, pairs and groups, hand-held apparatus, as well as dance and aerobics.

Advanced Proficiency Award Gold

(Ages 11-16)

For gymnasts who have completed their Advanced Proficiency Bronze and Silver Award. Gymnastics classes that are part of the Gold Award continue the development of 1 Core fitness element and further development on the six apparatus elements including fitness, floor, vault and rebound, apparatus, pairs and groups, hand-held apparatus, as well as dance and aerobics.

Gymnastics Squads

Performance squads are invite-only for gymnasts that are selected to increase their training to potentially compete in the sport

Gymnastics classes have so many benefits for children and young people that it’s almost impossible to cover them all in one place. Here, we’ve collated just a few to help you understand just how fantastic this sport really is.

Building a Foundation of Fitness

Gymnastic is a sport that combines strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. From the balance beam to the vault, every event is a full-body workout that encourages kids to use muscles they didn’t even know they had. It’s like a fun puzzle for their body, figuring out how to move, leap, and balance, making fitness a joyous adventure.

Flexibility: More Than Just Splits

Speaking of puzzles, gymnastics puts an emphasis on flexibility. Ever watched a gymnast and wondered how they twist and turn so gracefully? That’s down to working extremely hard on their flexibility. Regular gymnastics classes can help your child develop a wider range of motion, reducing their risk of injuries and making everyday activities easier and more enjoyable.

A Confidence Course

Here’s where it gets exciting. Gymnastics is not just about physical skills; it’s also a fantastic way to build confidence and self-esteem. Every new skill learned, from a simple roll to a complex vault, is a building block towards feeling accomplished and capable. As kids see their progress and conquer challenges, they develop a “can-do” attitude, not just in gymnastics, but in life.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

While gymnastics can be pursued individually, it’s also an incredible way to learn about teamwork and sportsmanship. Kids and teens learn to cheer on their peers, work together during group routines, and respect their coaches and teammates. These are priceless life skills that promote empathy, cooperation, and the understanding that while it’s great to reach for the stars, it’s even better to bring others along with you.

Discipline and Dedication

Gymnastics requires practice, patience, and perseverance. It teaches young athletes the value of hard work and the satisfaction of reaching goals through dedication. This mindset, cultivated early, can translate to better focus and achievement in school, other sports, and hobbies. It’s about setting the bar (pun intended) and taking the steps to get there.

Life Skills Off the Mat

Beyond the physical and mental benefits, gymnastics equips children and young people with essential life skills. Time management, goal setting, and dealing with ups and downs are all part of the package. These skills are woven into the very fabric of gymnastics training, preparing kids not just for competitions, but for life’s big and small moments.

Ready to Flip into Action?

If this all sounds like a win-win, it’s time to let your child give gymnastics a go! Check out Gymnastics classes at your local Everyone Active centre.