
How to Train for the London Marathon

Running the London Marathon next year? Taking on the famous race’s 26.2 miles puts enormous strain on your body, irrespective of how fit you are. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first or fifth marathon, it’s essential you stick to a strict training regime. We’ve teamed up with our friends at Technogym to take you through some top tips for running the marathon successfully.

Draw up a Weekly Training Guide

In order to run the London marathon, you should begin jogging regularly – approximately three to four times a week – in mid-December. If you have a busy schedule, then plan your runs like they’re meetings by putting them in your email calendar. This will help to ensure you stick to your training regime.

Find a Training Balance

Running itself is obviously a great way to prepare for the marathon, but it’s important you have a balanced training plan that also includes trips to the gym, or working out at home. Not only will make you stronger, but adding lower-impact exercises to your training plan will also help prevent injury.

We recommend cycling as, not only will this help get you fitter without putting too much stress through your joints, but it also strengthens certain muscles that will help ensure your running form and cadence (the number of steps you take per minute) are both where they should be. For instance, 30 minutes interval training on a Technogym exercise bike at your local Everyone Active gym is a great cardio workout and will have minimal impact on your joints.

Don’t Overlook the Importance of Apps

Keeping track of your pace and distances when training for a marathon is absolutely imperative. This isn’t just practical, it’s also motivational: it’s encouraging to see how your numbers have improved and tracking how many miles you’ve run in total.

Technogym’s mywellness cloud technology allows you to track your outdoor runs using your favourite mobile app, such as Strava and Runkeeper, and then replicate them on most Technogym treadmills. This is ideal for improving your personal best, and staying consistent with your training even when the weather isn’t too good.

Try Marathon Training with a Group

Group training is a great way to stay focused and to maintain your motivation. By including classes in your weekly workout schedule, you’ll have a structured foundation from which to build strength and tone your body at the same time.

So, if you’ve got the London Marathon looming large on your horizon, never fear. Just follow these tips, train hard and you’re sure to meet your goals, whether that’s just finishing or managing to complete the distance in a certain time.