
Self-Care: Top Tips for Looking After Yourself

With over 15 years’ experience of working from home, I can tell you that while there are incredible benefits and amazing freedoms, you also need plenty of additional skills, tools, mind-sets, frameworks and responsibilities. But, it does take a lot of self-care to maintain an equilibrium.

Firstly, there’s that all-important self-motivation and discipline, for which only you are responsible and accountable. Then, there’s the TV and the fridge, maybe the games console or whatever hobby is sitting in the background calling you! Maybe the kids are playing up in the background. The list goes on.

Invasiveness & loneliness

Alternatively, there is the danger of getting so wrapped up in the job that you forget about you. That is, your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. If you’ve been sat in front of a screen all day churning out work and focussing on video calls which, it can feel a little invasive into your own space.

There might sometimes be an element of loneliness. You might miss the company of your co-workers where you’re missing that banter over the morning cuppa, or just need someone to bounce an idea off of.

So, I’ve teamed up with Everyone Active again to talk you through some things to help make your working life at home the best experience possible.

Self-care is our first port of call, then managing your mind-set, setting out and maintaining positive intentions and habits, and that all important accountability will be addressed in later blogs and videos.

Self-Care when working from home

So, let’s start with self-care when working from home.
There’s a quote floating about at the moment, ‘If you don’t take time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to take time for your illnesses’, and that is true of your mental, emotional and physical wellness and wellbeing.

Ask yourself,

• How can I make this the most positive experience for me?
• How can I set myself up for a good day?
• How can I recharge myself in the middle of the day?
• How can I relax and switch off at the end of the day?
• How can I look after my emotional wellbeing?
• How can I look after my physical wellbeing?
• How can I look after my mental wellbeing?
• What has been working?
• What hasn’t been working?
• What can I get rid of?
• What can I put into place?
• What do I need to do for me?
• Am I making my self-care a priority in all of this?

Make Time for yourself

It’s ok, well, more than ok, it’s essential that you take time away from your screen each day. That could be in the morning after the morning rush to get everyone ready and out of the door (if you have school children and other adults living with you). Alternatively, mid-way through the day and in the evening to shut down and transition from ‘work mode’ to ‘home mode’.

Remember, if you were previously working from a work place, you would have a bit of down time on the journey in and home and over lunch, so make sure you schedule that time for you. Luckily,
Everyone Active have thought of everything and have on offer quick 20 to 30 minute sessions to help you prepare for your day with morning classes, some lunchtime recharge sessions and some evening relaxation classes, so find the ones that suit you.

About Sara Wright

Sara Wright is a confidence coach based in Leicester. She specialises in helping improve people’s mental health self-esteem. She has over 20 years’ experience, as well as a BSc and MSc to back up her practical knowledge. To find out more, check out her website and Facebook page.