
Football Sports Courses with Everyone Active

Our football courses here at Everyone Active will teach technique, teamwork and the fundamental skills required for this most popular of games. It’s also a great way to get your kids active, indulging their love of the sport, emulating their heroes along the way. Like all our other courses, there’s a robust progression pathway, with seven main award Levels as they go along. This helps ensure your child advances at the right pace for them. This will help make sure they enjoy getting active as well as learning something new, without advancing too quickly or reiterating things they already know.

football sports courses

Junior Football Star

This is the first introduction to the course. The focus will be put on introducing motor skills and developing balance and co-ordination while also beginning to teach basic football skills. By the end of this Level, your child will have learned to shoot by striking the ball with any part of their foot, dribbling between cones and be able to stop the ball and turn.

Junior Football Level 1 (Ages 5-7)

To complete Level one children will have to display being able to shoot with laces and standing foot planted, use a controlled pass to a partner five yards away, control ball using inside of the foot and able to throw a ball 5 yards from behind their head.

Junior Football Level 2 (Ages 5-7)

Level 2 moves on to your child being able to striking a ball towards a target, demonstrate a one-touch pass, control a ball with their in-step from a pass 10 yards away and be able to demonstrate a two touch turn around a cone.

Junior Football Level 3 (Ages 5-7)

To pass through Level 3, your child must be able to strike a ball with controlled power using their laces, demonstrate a one touch pass using either foot to a partner, be able to zig-zag in and out of cones while controlling the ball. They’ll also be able to head back a ball to a partner five yards away.

Junior Football Level 4 (Ages 8-11)

Level 4 moves on to the next age bracket and starts to incorporate a number of the skills learned through 1 – 3 into one. Your child must demonstrate control of the ball using the in-step of foot meaning your child can strike the ball with the laces of the boot with the second touch. They’ll also be able to pass from 10 yards away and strike with accuracy and power, scoring a goal.

At the end of this award, they’ll also be able demonstrate control from a five-yard pass with the correct technique, dribble through 15 yards of cones in a straight line, keeping close control, completing the drill with a strike at goal, using the laces of the foot. Control of the ball with the outside of the foot from a 10 yard pass showing the technique of moving the ball away from the body with control.

Junior Football Level 5 (Ages 8-11)

Moving onto Level 5 increases the difficulty with developing technique and control of the ball. Your child will still, however, focus on the key skills, with a particular emphasis on dribbling and control. They must demonstrate dribbling within a 20m x 20m area using both feet, with a variety of turns to change direction and the player should not to lose control of the ball. Your child will be able to demonstrate touch control from a partner around a cone with the second touch to pass the ball back to partner.

Junior Football Level 6 (Ages 8-11)

In the final Level of the Everyone Active football programme, the focus is on further developing technique and increased level of difficulty in the skills taught. Your child must demonstrate a half volley strike from a 10-yard crossed pass, strike, scoring a goal with accuracy and power. Meanwhile, with a partner they must also demonstrate a controlled chipped pass, dribbling using both feet, perform four step overs and demonstrate a Cruyff turn. They must also complete a square pass to a partner and head the ball away from goal area from a chipped cross.